Ready to deeply connect to yourself & genuinely love exactly who you are?

I’ve created Aligning to You to help you release self doubt and anchor in true confidence to create your personal and professional life dreams.

This program is perfect for past clients of mine who want to continue to receive my support or for brand new clients who want to dip their toes into a magical blend of monthly coaching, human design guidance, and intuitive readings!

This program if for you if…

+ You want to work on your relationship with yourself and learn how to love yourself more & judge yourself less

+ You desire clarity around your career path and/or business or want help taking steps towards your business/career dreams

+ You wish to be more present with your life and enjoy each moment rather than worrying or being caught up in the past or future

+ You are ready to feel healthy and energetic consistently and have regular self-care practices to connect with yourself

+ You feel deep down that you have intuitive gifts and want to understand them and use them in all areas of your life

The version of you who feels peaceful, connected, beautiful, graceful, and fulfilled is within reach…

Let’s bring her to life!

1 spot open for May 2024!

During Aligning to You, you’ll witness these transformations take place -

  • A stronger connection to your intuition and understanding of your unique intuitive gifts

  • Courage to make necessary changes inside of your career/business, relationships, health, and beyond

  • Deep love and appreciation for your body and awareness of how to tap into your body's needs

  • Healing and peaceful resolution of past emotional hurt, pain, or insecurities stemming from your childhood that have been impacting your life

  • Confidence to be your most authentic self and truly honor the personality traits, dreams, and quirks that make you unique and incredible!



(save $150)


  • One 60-minute Zoom session / month

  • Audio/video recordings from each session

  • Detailed notes and actions steps sent via email

  • Additional resources such as guided meditations,
    affirmation audio tracks, and/or journaling prompts

  • Voice memo check-in’s and coaching throughout the month to share, ask questions, and receive supportive feedback!


$275 / month

(6 monthly payments)


  • One 60-minute Zoom session / month

  • Audio/video recordings from each session

  • Detailed notes and actions steps sent via email

  • Additional resources such as guided meditations,
    affirmation audio tracks, and/or journaling prompts

  • Voice memo check-in’s and coaching throughout the month to share, ask questions, and receive supportive feedback!


At the start of our first session, you'll share your intentions for the next 6 months so we have a clear compass with your specific goals and dreams in mind. Each session will be a unique blend of dropping in for an intuitive reading, providing human design insights and coaching guidance around whatever our focuses for that session are.

You will be given specific tools and action steps. You will learn so much about yourself.

I'll support you in making small shifts and important changes so you can witness massive growth within yourself by the end of our time together.






What’s included:

What clients are saying…

Amanda W.

“With the help of Shannon’s intuitive gifts and guidance I was able to gain much needed clarity in so many aspects of my life from career, to family, to finances and beyond. I walked away from each session with a sense of peace as well as practical tools to use in day-to-day life. Shannon always comes from such a grounded, heart-centered place and it is truly felt during her sessions. I was surprised at how much validation and permission I received through the combination of intuitive and human design readings. Walking away, I feel confident to live more authentically. One of the most valuable investments I’ve made in myself!

Toula T.

“I highly recommend this 1:1 program with Shannon. She is so intuitive with my readings and with helping me understand my Human Design chart, as a 3/5 Projector. The first session for Aligning to You was so powerful and special. Shannon has helped me so much with my grief process as I lost a loved one recently. Shannon provided me with action steps to embody and integrate into my healing process for my soul and in my life.

Thank YOU Shannon and I am so forever grateful I have worked with you."

Olivia S.

“My intuitive reading with Shannon was absolutely magical and so soothing to my soul. I'm in awe of her gifts and how on point she was with everything that came up. Shannon did the reading during a time of major transition in my life and she was able to give me wisdom and practices that have helped me ground and feel sure and safe in my path.”

Whitney H.

“Working with Shannon is one of the best things I've ever done for myself. If you're thinking about coaching with Shannon or joining one of her programs, but are unsure it's for you - DO IT. With a unique combination of knowledge, compassion, and encouragement, Shannon will both challenge you AND love you right on home… to yourself.”

Haley N.

“Quite frankly, Shannon helped me change my life. She was the push I needed to get over the obstacle that was ultimately myself - I had been getting in my own way for YEARS and had no idea. I have learned to fully love myself, to accept myself in my truest form, and to give myself everything I had been looking for externally. Shannon is definitely talented and has a feel for working with people, especially empaths.”

Hannah A.

“Shannon is a light! She truly knows how to tap into the whispers of your soul. I showed up with the simplest intention of seeking guidance in relation to myself, and what came through was exactly what I needed to hear in the exact way I needed to hear it! I could not have felt more at home with Shannon as my guide. I Her readings are absolute magic.”

This program is holistic, focusing on you as a whole person with layers to your life, your goals, and your dreams.

We will spend time focusing on —

  • Your career / business or business dreams

  • Your relationship with yourself

  • Your personal relationships (love, family, and friendships / community)

  • Your health & wellness (& relationship to your body / body image)

  • Your spiritual & emotional healing journey

Let’s make magic happen together!

Let me help you transform your life in just six months


  • I’ve designed Aligning to You with my 1:1 clients in mind - women who are committed to their own path of self love, emotional healing, and spiritual/self growth, and want to feel supported, guided, and held along the way! I suggest this program to brand new clients who want a taste of what a coaching experience with me is like, to past clients who wish to continue regularly coaching and accountability, or to women who have booked a Human Design or Intuitive Reading with me before and want to dive in deeper!

  • The main differences between Aligning to You and my 1:1 Coaching program is that with Aligning to You, you are receiving just one session / month, vs two or four. Also, Aligning to You has a slight heavier focus on Intuitive Readings - we spend at least 50% of each session doing an Intuitive Reading for you!

  • Please reach out via email: with any/all questions!

  • Once you’ve selected your payment plan, paid, and signed your contract there is a zero refund policy. Unless there is an emergency situation, you are committing to the full payment and completion of this program. I can be flexible in certain circumstances (especially emergency or health-related situations), however, I do desire for you to stick with the sessions and see beautiful change in your life!